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We attach great importance to ensuring that all employees take on the tasks corresponding to their talents. Expanded by know-how and experience, these talents and skills become strengths. The ability to put such strengths to full use brings pleasure, satisfaction and success.
But it is only when all strengths are pooled that a first-class team emerges. Many thanks to every team member for contributing their strengths!
Managing Director:
Murat Sahinbas
Wolfgang Ring, rep. Manufacturing Marko Gutsch
Quality Assurance:
Andreas Welsch
Programming (solid works / edgecam):
Rainer Steinborn

The brothers Erich and Fred Engel founded Engel GmbH in Wiesbaden-Dotzheim on 1 April 1923 as a repair workshop for electronic appliances.

Thanks to their know-how, in next-to-no time they specialised in the production of electric motors and transformers, and developed the first Engel soldering gun in 1952. The company's lathe shop produced the lathed and milled parts needed to manufacture their products.

As a consequence of its ongoing expansion, in 1960 Engel and the workforce of 400 employees relocated to Wiesbaden-Schierstein.

The lathe shop also expanded and procured one of the first robot-controlled machining production systems available on the market in those days. On 19 February 1987, the lathe shop of Engel GmbH became an independent company with 25 employees, Engel Präzisions-Drehteile GmbH in Walluf. In the constant endeavour to be at the cutting edge of technology, investments were made in further CNC machines.

In 1996, Engel Präzisions-Drehteile GmbH moved to a new building in Walluf, Am Klingenweg 7, where today it has production facilities covering approx. 2,000 m².

In 2011 EPD invested massivly in measurement technology to provide best possible quality and service for its customers.

For a more efficient cost structure and better business processes a new ERP system was implemented in 2013. Additionally new measuring systems were purchased to ensure a high quality level.

Murat Sahinbas became new CEO. The machinery was expanded with numerous investions in CAD/CAM systems, a new mill center, two drill centers and a new saw.

Today EPD Präzisions-Drehteile GmbH has 20 skilled worker and apx. 2200 qm area at its location in Walluf to produce high quality products for companies all over the world.